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Panel Building

Automation – Controls

From custom-designed controls from hydraulic door systems, to lighting, power system, cranking panels for prime movers, and everything in between.

McRae provides concept to design, to functional and approved engineered drawings for production and fabrication of all types of controls systems.

Integrated Bridge Consoles

3D design to realization, McRae provides full console designs suiting operator needs for ergonomics, site lines and equipment placement. Integration of systems for seamless control.

We have many years of experience in this field with full-time marine electronic engineers and service technicians trained and dedicated to this task.

Switchboards and Motor Control Centers – Motor Starter Racks

Full design to any classification society requirements. Modular frame/structure is type approved and meets MIL specification requirements for shock and vibration. Power management for generator controls for seamless transfer and load sharing with proven off-the-shelf components.

Motor starter racks from large VFDs to 2-speed starters and direct on-line starters. Smart controllers available for IPMS integration.

Flexible/Modular design allows for space constraints typically found in the marine industry.

Explore Our Other Services

McRae Electric is a leader in partnering with customers and original equipment manufacturer, bringing innovation to the industry.

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